Care: Care for customers, staff and society
CARE FOR CUSTOMER -- Customer is the god. We cherish every opportunity to serve for customer and treat customers’ attention, selection and trust with grateful attitude;
CARE FOR STAFF -- Staff is the foundation of enterprise development. We strive to create happy and harmonious, united and friendly and high-spirited enterprise atmosphere;
CARE FOR SOCIETY -- The existence of enterprises is not only for the sake of profit, but also to shoulder the responsibilities for society. We pay attention to environmental protection, keep harmonious relationship with society, in order to realize the sustainable development of enterprises.

Responsibility: The responsibility to customer and society, and the responsibility of enterprise to staff and staff to enterprise.
Enterprise’s responsibility to customers is reflected in that take customers’ demand as guidance. 
Customer satisfaction is our responsibility
Enterprise’s social responsibility is reflected in that commitment to social responsibility while creating profits. Save energy and reduce emission, reducing the impact on the environment. Be public-spirited and contribute our efforts to create harmonious social environment.
Enterprise’s responsibility to staff is reflected in creating harmonious working environment, and striving to provide development opportunities and entrepreneurial platform for talent.

Vision, mission, values
OUR VISION -- Become the industry leaders of food refrigeration system;
OUR MISSION -- Committed to providing customers with the brand and service of food refrigeration system;
CORE VALUES -- Customer oriented achieve the future by brand; People oriented create value by cooperation.